1st and 2nd Generations

1st Generation
Intel 4004
 This was the period during 1971 to 1973 of microprocessor’s history. In 1971, INTEL created the first microprocessor 4004 that would run at a clock speed of 108 KHz.With only 4 bits as the word size, the 4004 could only represent signed numbers in the range -8 to +7, which is indeed very small. So, it was not really of practical use for arithmetic calculations. However, it found applications in controlling devices.

 2nd Generation
 Intel 8008 was the next in the evolution, the first 8-bit microprocessor. This was in the year 1972. This was soon followed by Intel 8080, also an 8-bit microprocessor. Intel 8080 was the first commercially popular 8bit microprocessor. With 8 bits as the word size, it could represent signed numbers in the range of −128 to +127. This is also not a good enough range for performing arithmetic calculations. Thus, the 8080 also was used only for control applications.

Some other microprocessors like 6800 from Motorola, Z-80 from Zilog were also Popular at this time. They were costly as they were based on NMOS technology fabrication and also for their super fast speed.

Intel 8080
Motorolla 6800
Intel 8008



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